Jennifer has commented several times about how I haven't updated my blog in a while, so here's an update! I am no longer pregnant with number 3 as my last post says. As a matter of fact, number 3s name is Samuel and he just turned a year old! LOL. It has been a while!
Not much is happening in the Stribling household right now. I spend most of my days in the house with all three little boys going a little crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! We got a minivan in June and it has made taking the boys places so much easier. I go a little less crazy when I can put them in the back seat and turn the music on so I can't hear the constant bickering. Although there is much less bickering now that they have more space.
I am still taking a break from cake overload... I do a few now and then, but I am not rushing back in full force. With a smaller house, it is more difficult to keep the munchkins from running into my table or throwing things which will inevitably hit the cake... Over the last year, I have also had Samuel to deal with and he is a VERY clingy mama's boy! Hard to do cake with a baby on my hip... I will eventually get back into taking on more cakes and maybe even open a bakery, but for now, I am going to focus on spending time with my wonderful little boys as long as I can!
Aaron will be 5 in December. It's hard to believe he is almost 5! He's still my little guy. He will not be starting school until next fall and that's okay with me. He's a brilliant little boy and he is learning so much at home with me right now. We are going to begin letter sounds soon. He already recognizes all of his letters and numbers up to 10 and can count to 20 easily. And his vocabulary is far beyond his years!
Jonathan will be 3 in October and is as rambunctious as ever! He is still my wild child climbing on everything and never sitting still. His speech is getting much better and it's getting easier to understand what he is trying to say, but we are still working on his pronunciation. He is just beginning to recognize certain letters and he is counting objects everywhere he goes.
Samuel just turned a year old last week. He says "mama" and "dada" and that's about it. He rambles a lot and sometimes I even think he says certain phrases, but it's hard to tell. He is still crawling everywhere, but he stands for long periods of time by himself playing with toys and such and even crouches down and stands back up with ease, but he has no interest in walking or even taking a step. When we try to get him to walk, he just lunges the top of his body forward and keeps his feet firmly planted on the ground.
That's about it for now here in the Stribling house! Maybe I will get around to another post before next year ;)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Well... For those who don't know, I'm pregnant with baby #3. Crankin' them out I guess... Not intentionally though I promise you! So far, this pregnancy has been VERY rough. At somewhere between 16 weeks and 20 weeks (depending on which nurse/doc you ask), I have yet to get through an entire day without feeling sick. Thankfully, it has eased up a bit, but come on... this is supposed to be over by now! I am also very exhausted. Partly because I am home all day with my two boys who barely let me take a break, partly because Jonathan still wakes up in the middle of the night for two hour jaunts, and partly because my iron is low. At my last doctor's appointment, they told me not to start taking iron pills right now because it would just make me more nautious.
Also at my last appointment, I was given a prescription for nausea medicine. The doctor is starting to get a little worried because I had lost over 15lbs at my last appt. It was no huge surprise to me because I lost weight with both of my others too. They did tell me that if I didn't start gaining by my next appt (March 3rd) that they would have to do something. Who knows what that means??!
Throughout this pregnancy I have also had a lot of pain so far. A lot of it is pain that I didn't have with either of my others and some I remember having a bit of with Jonathan but not until near the end of the pregnancy. It sucks!! Sometimes I go to stand up and can't physically stand all the way up because the pain keeps me hunched over. I really hope that things get better.
I go back to the doctor on March 3rd for my next check up. We have an ultrasound that day and should be able to find out the sex of the baby.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
More Deals
Most of these you can print out TWO coupons per computer either by hitting the back button or reclicking on the link! Enjoy everyone!
$1.60/1 Nature Valley Nut Clusters. (Makes them .37 @Walmart)
Enjoy these and look forward to more soon!
$5.00 off Enfamil Premium powder (any size):
$1.00 off any Klondike Product. Makes single klondike bars and choco tacos at Walmart free:

Also a $1.00/1 Nature Valley Nut Clusters at
Enjoy these and look forward to more soon!
Hot Printable Coupons... FREE BABY WIPES!
There are a few awesome printable coupons out right now, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share them with you.
First, there are 2 coupons right now that yield FREE baby wipes at many stores. There coupons could be used on diapers, wipes, changing pads or any other Huggies product used for diapering:
$1.50 off any Huggies Diaper Product at
- My Walmart has some larger soft packs for $1.50, so I was able to print 2 off per computer and get 4 packages of FREE baby wipes.
$2.00 off any Huggies Diaper Product at
- Walmart had the tubs of 72ct wipes for $2.28, so I got 4 tubs and paid 28 cents each for them. Some stores may have them cheaper or you may be able to catch them on a sale and get them free too. You can also use them on the smaller soft packs priced $1.50 and get them free. The cashier will just have to adjust the coupon for you.
First, there are 2 coupons right now that yield FREE baby wipes at many stores. There coupons could be used on diapers, wipes, changing pads or any other Huggies product used for diapering:
$1.50 off any Huggies Diaper Product at
- My Walmart has some larger soft packs for $1.50, so I was able to print 2 off per computer and get 4 packages of FREE baby wipes.
$2.00 off any Huggies Diaper Product at
- Walmart had the tubs of 72ct wipes for $2.28, so I got 4 tubs and paid 28 cents each for them. Some stores may have them cheaper or you may be able to catch them on a sale and get them free too. You can also use them on the smaller soft packs priced $1.50 and get them free. The cashier will just have to adjust the coupon for you.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kmart Super Double Coupons: MY SAVINGS!
This week many Kmarts are doubling coupons up to $2.00 making them worth up to $4.00. (only 10 per person per day) I, of course, have jumped on this because I have LOTS of coupons and we were in need of a few things. (Remember: coupons will only double up to the value of the item)Here's what I have done so far:
Day 2 Monday:
HERE IS MY 2 DAY TOTAL: $19.50!!!! For EVERYTHING pictured below
Trip 1 Sunday: Dan went with me, so I was able to check out twice using 20 doubled coupons and a few others as well. 

1st transaction:
(2) Softsoap hand soap pumps: $2.00 used (2) $1.00/1 printable coupon doubled = FREE
Softsoap Ensembles Refill: $2.49 used $2.00/1 printable coupon doubled = FREE
Got to Be Hair Glue: $4.49 used $2.00/1 printable coupon doubled = .49
(2)Whiskas Purrfectly cat food 2.7lb bag: $4.99 used (2) $2/1 printable coupon doubled = .99each
(4) Ziploc bags:2/$4.00 used (2) $1.50/2 printable coupon doubled= .50each
Pull-ups: $9.99 used $2/1 printable coupon doubled = $5.99
Shout Stain Remover: $2.61 used .55/1 coupon from Sunday paper = $1.51
American Fare 300ct Q-tips: $2.49 used Free w/purchase coupon from Kmarts website=FREE
Total with tax: $12.72
Second Transaction:
Speed Stick Irish Spring Deodorant: $2.79 used $1.50/1 printable coupon doubled= FREE
Lady Speed Stick Deodorant: $2.79 used $1.50/1 printable coupon doubled= FREE
Dove Ultimate Deodorant: $3.99 used $2/1 printable coupon doubled= FREE
(2) Visine for contacts: $3.99 each used (2) $2/1 printable coupons doubled= FREE
Johnson & Johnson's Head-to-toe baby wash: $3.79 used $1.00/1 printable coupon doubled= $1.79
Lysol multi-purpose spray: $2.67 used $1.00/1 coupon I got @ doctor's office doubled= .67
Ajax Dish soap: $1.99 used $1.00/1 printable coupon doubled = FREE
(2)Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel: $3.50 each used (2) $2/1 printable coupon doubled = FREE
(2) Scrubbing Bubbles 2-in-1 Toilet Wand Kit: $4.50 each used (2) FREE w/purchase of scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel coupons from Sunday paper = FREE
American Fare 300ct Q-tips: $2.49 used Free w/purchase coupon from Kmarts website=FREE
Total w/tax= $3.29

(2) Hartz Crunch 'n Clean Cat Treats: $1.79 each used (2) $1/1 printable coupon doubled = FREE
(2) Whiskas Purrfectly Cat Food: $4.99 each used (2) $2/1 printable coupon doubled = .99 each
Lysol Multi-purpose spray: $2.67 used $1.00/1 coupon I got @ doctor's office doubled= .67
Sensodyne (travel size) toothpaste: $1.49 used .75/1 internet printable coupon doubled = FREE
Secret Deodorant: $2.49 used $2.00/1 coupon from Kmart savings booklet found @ cash registers doubled = FREE
Dove Ultimate Deodorant: $3.99 used $2/1 printable coupon doubled = FREE
(2) Glade Carpet Freshner: $2.15 each used (2) $1.00/1 coupons from Sunday paper doubled = .15 each
American Fare Hydrogen Peroxide: .89 used FREE w/purchase Kmart printable coupon = FREE
(2) Coffee-Mate Singles 5pk: $1.29ea used B1G1 internet printable coupon = 2/$1.29
used $3.00 off purchase Kmart coupon
Total w/tax: $3.49
HERE IS MY 2 DAY TOTAL: $19.50!!!! For EVERYTHING pictured below

Combined total before coupons: $126.04 *some items were on sale. This total does not reflect the original price.
Total after coupons: $19.50
Total Savings: $106.54
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Websites For Coupon Deals
I have had quite a few people ask me this week where I get all of my coupons. A majority of them are from the Sunday newspaper coupon inserts, some are online printables, and some I have recieved in the mail by signing up for various companies mailings. A lot of what I have gotten lately is a coupon coupled with a sale making it an even better deal.
There are a few websites that I check often for various reasons.
The first is
- She generally updates her site several times a day with coupon offers, store/coupon match-ups, freebies, and printables as well as verious other things. Her site also has some awesome recipes, tips for couponing, and lots more (check under categories on her site for extra stuff)
The second is She also updates multiple times daily with various store deals, coupon match-ups and LOTS of internet printable coupons. (click the coupons link at the top of her page for a HUGE list of internet printable coupons.) I use this a lot especially if I am looking for something specific. It's not a complete list, but it helps.
Here are a few more that I generally check. Some because they always post on a specific store and some for other reasons. My advice is to look around each website a bit to see what they offer that might be of value to you. It's not always on the front page.
For printing coupons, I generally use:
I hope this helps get some of you started. I will post more later with some specific coupon deals.
There are a few websites that I check often for various reasons.
The first is
- She generally updates her site several times a day with coupon offers, store/coupon match-ups, freebies, and printables as well as verious other things. Her site also has some awesome recipes, tips for couponing, and lots more (check under categories on her site for extra stuff)
The second is She also updates multiple times daily with various store deals, coupon match-ups and LOTS of internet printable coupons. (click the coupons link at the top of her page for a HUGE list of internet printable coupons.) I use this a lot especially if I am looking for something specific. It's not a complete list, but it helps.
Here are a few more that I generally check. Some because they always post on a specific store and some for other reasons. My advice is to look around each website a bit to see what they offer that might be of value to you. It's not always on the front page.
For printing coupons, I generally use:
I hope this helps get some of you started. I will post more later with some specific coupon deals.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Adventures in Couponing
Over the last few weeks, I have begun couponing. Dan and I would like to have a good down payment for a house in time to move next summer (or sooner). It all started with a simple Arby's coupon. Jennifer showed me a website ( that had a coupon for buy a drink get a sandwich free and since Arby's sounded yummy, I printed the coupon off and had a good lunch. Later, I started looking around the website and realized there was SOOOOOOOO much more to it. I started printing off a few coupons that I knew I would use and started to pay attention to some of the deals I could get with them. Well... after a few small shopping trips with the coupons, I decided to jump in head first and really get into it. Now, I follow several blog sites that keep up on the coupons and match them up with sales and such (less work for me). I check the EVERY day sometimes multiple times a day. I have become a little obsessed, but it's ok. I have been really excited about shopping lately, and I wanted to share some of my deals with you.
Starbucks ice cream= FREE

6 Breyers Yo Crunch Yogurt = .08 each
3 pkgs Kleenex= $1.24ea
10 First Aid to go kits = FREE
Blink Tears Eye drops = .11
4 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner= .69 ea
1st trip to use coupons:
Walgreens. BIC highlighters were on sale for .49. I printed off some coupons for $1 off any 2 BIC products. Got 6 pks of highlighters FREE. Also got 3 rolls of Scotch tape. I paid .41 total for all of it.

4 Blue Bunny Ice Cream Sandwiches (singles) = FREE

Cinnabon Bars = .98
Coffee Mate Hazlenut creamer= $1.58
2 pkgs Ziploc bags= $1.25 each
Pita Pockets= .90
2 pkgs Wacky Mac = .69 ea
2 pkgs Tucks Take-a-long wipes= .64 ea pkg
BIC Sensitive disposable razors 12pk = .57
2 Skintimate Shaving gel= .73ea
Venus Embrace Razor w/2 blades= $4.94
Satin Care Shaving Cream=FREE

6 Bar S Hot Dogs = .38 ea (got 6pkgs only 2 pictured)
5 Chef Boyardee Ravioli etc.= FREE

Single Load Tide laundry detergent=FREE
4 Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste=FREE
2 pkgs Dentek Flossers=FREE
4 Nexcare bandages 8pk=FREE
5 pkgs Kotex liners=FREE
Carefree liners= FREE

Watercolor paints= .50
10 pks Roseart 24ct crayons= .20ea
10 Elmers Glue= .25ea
All of the crayons, glue, and kleenex were for VBS. They were filling backpacks for the local school children. The paints were for Aaron.

2 pkgs BIC Triumph pens 2pk=FREE
2 pkgs Pilot EasyTouch Pens=FREE
2 Renu contact solution =FREE
2 Stretchable book covers=FREE
2 pkgs pens 20pk=FREE
Clean & Clear Facewash=FREE
Mechanical Pencils 30pk=FREE
2 Folders=FREE
Eclipse Gum = .43
My last shopping trip:

3 Lysol Wipes= $1.29 ea
3 pkgs Wacky Mac= (2) .77 ea (1) FREE
Swiffer Sweeper= $7.00
2 Graduates Crunchies = $1.73 ea
2 BeachNut Yugurt Bites = $1.29 ea
8 pkgs Jell-o= .25 ea
4 pkgs Velveeta Shells & Cheese= .75 ea
4 boxes Betty Crocker Browny Mix= .63 ea
Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent= $3.97
2 pkgs Ziploc bags = $1.25 ea
Whole Grain Cheeze-Its = $2.23
10 First Aid to go kits = FREE
20 pkgs Kotex liners = FREE
7 pkgs Dentex Flossers= FREE
Items I didn't have coupons for: OUCH!
Folgers Coffee= $3.42
Great Value Creamer= $3.86
You may be wondering what in the world I am going to do with all of the extra stuff, but I'm not. I have a plan! Our church has several ministries we are involved in that I am very excited to help out with.
The first is Operation Christmas Child. This fall we will be packing boxes for Christmas to send overseas to needy children. There are several things that I plan to give for that (Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Soap, and hopefully some other items).
The second ministry is the Lincoln Christian College food pantry. They need a LOT of items not just food. I plan on sending extra food/ paper products/ laundry detergent/ etc over to help out the students.
The third ministry is our Valentine's care packages that we send to military and college students ar the beginning of the year. I plan to give extra deodorant, snacks, razors, shaving cream, school supplies and MUCH more to send in these boxes.
Thank You to everyone who has helped out so far by giving me the coupons from their Sunday papers and other coupons. They are a blessing not only to our family, but hopefully will be to MANY others as well.
As an added ministry opportunity, I plan to send all of the expired coupons to military families. (LINK) They can use them for several months after the expiration date, so they will go even further! All of the extra paper from the clipped coupons and ads will be taken to a recycling drop off.
Anyone who wants to help with these wonderful ministry opportunities is welcome to! Please send your coupons to me or money to help purchase some of the items (not everything is free and I still have to pay tax) :
Chrys Stribling
104 NE Third St
Atlanta, IL 61723
Friday, April 17, 2009
Easter Photos
For Easter we travelled up to Ohio to visit my mother and the rest of the gang. We drove through the night Thursday so that the kids would be asleep which was a very smart idea. They slept really well and Jonathan only woke up to eat once on our trip. (About a 9 hour drive) Friday we just hung out with the family. Saturday we took the boys to get pictures taken. Since my nephew Andrew was at mom's too, she wanted to get a picture of all three grandbabies together. The boys were surprisingly cooperative. Jonathan just smiled away. He was so happy. Aaron generally smiled and then stopped just about the time she snapped the picture. Andrew didn't want his picture taken though. It was naptime! 

Saturday night, we colored almost 20 dozen eggs. Sunday was church and then a Very long nap for Aaron. When he woke up it was time to eat, hunt eggs and get baskets. And Monday, we drove through the day and headed home. The boys travelled well and we made good time. It was a long weekend, but a good one.

This week, I am knee deep in cake. I have a tiered Fancy Nancy cake to do, a tiered cake for a masquerade ball, and a tiered cake for Jeanne's baby shower. LOTS of work. It's gonna be a long couple of days...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Big Discovery
This morning, Aaron woke up and came into my room where Jonathan was laying on the bed. He started rubbing Jonathan's head and telling him he loved him, and then he looked at me and told me that Jonathan had big holes in his ears! It was so funny! I tried to explain to him that we all do. He just kept looking at Jonathan's ears like he was trying to figure it out. I just had to share. I thought it was great.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jonathan David and Goliath... I mean... Roran
Okay, so he's not Goliath, but my nephew seems huge to me! He was born less than a week ago and is as long as my three month old. It's crazy! He's very cute though. Aaron was very intrigued with him too, and he seems to understand the whole new baby thing. I didn't think 2 year olds were supposed to be that smart??!
Anyways, here are a few photos from last night when Darrell and Amanda brought the boys over.
Here's one of Jonathan David and Roran Edward

And the cutie by himself...

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