Last week Jennifer and I took the two littlest kids to the Discovery Museum for a really fun discovery time about fish. Afterward, we spent a few hours playing in the museum with the kids. It was so nice to see them playing together because usually they fight like an old married couple! Even so, Bella is still Aaron's best friend. He LOVES spending time with her and on Sunday mornings, he can't wait to get to the church to meet up with her. It's so cute. Here are a few pictures of the two of them playing together at the museum... and of course both zonking out as soon as we left...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wedding Cake/Blue's Clues
Just thought I would go ahead and post a few pictures of the wedding cake that I did this last weekend. The couple ordered a three tier cake and a cake for each of the 25 tables at the reception. LOTS OF WORK! (That's why there are no posts for the last week and a half) I'm so glad my mom was here to help me with Aaron and to help with some of the cake stuff. 

Also, amidst the chaos of wedding cakes, I did a Blue's Clues cake. I love the way it turned out! It is one of my favorites!

Birthday Gift
For Dan's birthday, my mom got him a bicycle with a toddler seat so that he and Aaron could go riding together. Dan LOVED it. It wore him out too. It's been quite a while since he's gotten any real exercise. He was exhausted!
As you can see, Aaron was excited too. As soon as my mom told him that the seat on the back was for him, he wanted to go for a ride. It wasn't easy getting him to wait for Dan to ride. My mom got Aaron a helmet with some elbow and knee pads too so that he would be safe on the bike. He knows that he has to wear them to ride the bike too. 

Birthday at Don Ponchito
To celebrate Dan's birthday with the family, we went out to eat at Don Ponchito in Lincoln after church on Sunday (Sept 14). They brought him a sombrero to wear and a very large ice cream which I am happy to say I got to eat some of. Aaron of course stole the sombrero! Thankfully, he didn't see the ice cream. Oh, and the waiter put ice cream on Dan's face with a spoon too. GROSS!!

Friday, September 12, 2008
Baby Talk
Today I got a root canal done on one of my molars... OUCH!!! I was relaxing on the couch and Aaron was playing very quietly. I looked over to where my phone was charging to see Aaron wearing his Daddy's hat backwards and talking on my phone.
Sept. 11th- Dan's 26th Birthday
Yesterday was Dan's birthday. For his birthday, he requested chinese food, so we ordered First Wok and sat at home as a family eating Chinese and watching more Star Wars. After dinner, Aaron and I surprised him with a little coconut cake. I realize it's not a spectacular cake, but I only had a few minutes to decorate it. And he will get another cake on Sunday when we celebrate with the whole family. Aaron helped me to carry out the cake to Dan. He tried blowing out the candles the entire time we were carrying it.

So, Dan let him help blow out the candles.

Then he was a mooch eating much of Dan's cake.

And when Dan wasn't fast enough, he tried to bite off the side of the cake.

Moments I'm glad I didn't miss.
I have missed a few posts over the last two weeks and wanted to include some of the fun moments we have had lately. Aaron has just been doing some cute things that I wanted to share.
He dressed himself as Darth Vader while we were watching Star Wars. After this, we found a really cute Darth Vader costume and are going to dress him as Vader for Halloween. 
The other day, he walked around the house with just one shoe on and had a great time. He didn't want me to take it off.
He wore himself out!
He put his crocs on himself to walk around the house and was so proud of himself. He came over and asked me to take a picture. Notice... they are on the wrong feet. So cute!
We also have been playing in his bedroom a lot and getting him used to having his own toddler bed even though he won't sleep in it yet. He thinks it's a blast. 

And another silly face made at Mommy... I love when he makes silly faces. He tries to get me to make them back. 

Atlanta Fall Festival Parade
Last weekend there was a parade here in town for the fall festival. We took Aaron last year, but he was only 9 months old, so there wasn't much interaction. This year, he really enjoyed the parade. His favorite part was, of course, picking up all of the candy that was thrown our way. He loved the cars... all of them. I think he just liked being that close to a moving car. SCARY! Sometimes it was hard keeping him from running into the road. Thankfully, he listened pretty well and didn't go too close. The whole family was out to watch the parade. It made for a good time.
Collecting candy

The church had a float in the parade too. It was the first float to come down the road (there weren't many). They did it for our Sunday School kick-off which is this coming Sunday. I got such a kick out of it. As soon as I saw Kevin coming down the road dressed as Jesus, I started yelling with excitement. It was a good way to start off the parade. It definitely got your attention. You could see Jesus coming down the road before you could see anything else. It was great.
Aaron ended off the parade by snacking on a few pieces of candy and some doritos... as evidenced by his face...

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Last Doctor Appt
The baby is doing just fine. I got my Rhogam shot and did the glucose test. Fun... I ended up being at the doctor's office for over two hours. I go back on September 16th for another ultrasound. I have officially started the every two week appointments. We're getting close!!
I spent a lot of my waiting time weaving headbands for Jennifer and wanted you guys to see them because they are so cute!
Here's a close-up. I LOVE the watermelon and ladybug ones! I just think that they turned out so cute! If you want one, you can order them from Babyations Hairbows. She does not have them on the website yet, but you can still order them. They are $8.00 each. You can request them in any color too. These are just the ones I made the other day.

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