Well... It has been a while since I posted. It got pretty crazy around here during the holidays. So, here's what's been going on...
We celebrated Jonathan's first Thanksgiving with Dan's family, and then after dinner, Aaron and I went down for a nap and Jonathan spent the afternoon laying in his Daddy's arms while he played video games.
And on the last day of November, Aaron got to go outside with his Daddy and build his first snowman. They had so much fun, and Aaron was very proud of his snowman. I love how creative the boys can be together. (The arms are the branches Dan cut off the bottom of our tree, and somehow under all that snow, they found enough rocks for his eyes and mouth)
We got family pictures taken... the highlight of the month! Jonathan was 3 weeks old, and I felt like he had already gotten so big. Thank you Kristy for our awesome pictures!!! We LOVE them!! If anyone wants to see them, there are a few of Jonathan on Kristy's website in the babies section, Kristy Hanlon Photography.
Aaron discovered that he could get into the cradle and into Jonathan's carseat, so it was quite interresting trying to keep him from climbing in on top of Jonathan. He has stopped now though thank goodness!
On November 17th, we celebrated my 26th birthday. I actually really enjoyed my birthday because I got to spend all day with my boys. This is a picture that I took of Jonathan in a little basket that I got for my birthday, I had fun taking this picture. I was so excited that he was small enough to fit in it. Silly I know, but I loved it!

At one month old, we were able to start cloth diapers with Jonathan. We have had Aaron in them all the time since the beginning of September. It's amazing to me to see the diapers pile up during the day! Between the two boys, we go through about 15-20 diapers a day, sometimes more!! I currently wash diapers everyday, but it's worth it! Aaron hasn't broken out with any rashes since we started cloth and Jonathan hasn't peed all over the place since we started them. When we switched to cloth, we did it while the diapers were still too big for Jonathan, but he would cry everytime he had to pee in the disposables and then he would pee all over the place everytime I took his diaper off. I am very happy to say that he hasn't done that even once since we switched.
The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we went shopping for our Christmas tree. We always go to Lowe's because they have beautiful trees and we only pay $15 for them. Aaron had a blast helping to pick out the tree, and his favorite part was the pinecone he found while we were looking. He held it the entire way home.
That night, we decorated our tree and I took a picture of the boys underneath it. 

wow!! lots of fun stuff! So glad to hear from you again!
I'm so glad you updated your blog, I love all the pictures! And thank you so much for all the sweet words and for putting my link up, you're so sweet! I loved doing pictures for you guys--the boys are so adorable and you guys are so much fun! Keep the new pictures coming, it's so fun to see them!
I love Aaron with the pine cone!
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