When I was prepping craft stuff for VBS, Aaron wanted to help. He made his own bird mask. This was before we added the beak and such.
He used the paper towel rolls for VBS and played drums on the clothes basket. (Note: he picked out his outfit! He got into his dresser and pulled the outfit out and insisted that I put it on him)
Someday, he will regret that I took this picture, but I love it. He was running around in his cloth diaper and Daddy's hat.
He likes to hug his little monkey backpack.
Aaron helped Daddy fix the Vacuum. he stuck the screwdriver in every available hole.
Daddy put him to bed on Saturday night and he fell asleep cuddling his Mickey Mouse.
Monday, July 21, 2008
This weekend
I just wanted to include some of the cute pictures from our weekend. A few are from Thursday and Friday, but they were just so adorable that I wanted to post them for everyone to see.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My Insane Sunday Morning
Last night I worked on cakes until 2:30 in the morning. By the time I got to sleep, it was after 3:30. I had two main cakes to do. The first one was a 3D tractor. The other was a full size sheet cake to go with it. I finished the sheet cake last night and most of the tractor. I was planning on getting up and finishing while Dan took Aaron to Sunday school. Guess what?!!! I got up this morning and the tractor had taken a nose dive of sorts. The bottom two layers had crumbled to bits and the top two had almost completely fallen off. There was not one bit that was salvageable. I was so upset especially considering it was to be picked up at 1:00 and it was already 9. It took me longer than that to where I was the night before. Here is what was left of the first cake...

I sent Aaron off with Dan and got to work starting the cake from scratch. Thankfully, I had more chocolate cake frozen. I finished a little before noon (PURE ADRENALINE!) Thankfully I did because I had just enough time to clean my cake mess up out of the dining room before she showed up... almost an hour early! Needless to say, I didn't make it to church...Here are the finished cakes.
This is the sheet cake that went with the tractor. It was already scored so it was easy for them to cut at the party and each piece had either a soybean or an ear of corn on it.
Bryant is the coolest...(written by Bryant! Composed by Bryant.. awesomeness attained by Bryant)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Eventful Day
Well... I was very sick yesterday, so I didn't get to spend much time with Aaron, so today definitely made up for it. We spent the entire day playing and having fun. I took lots of pictures.
We spent a large portion of the day playing in a tent that we made out of my scrapbook table and a comforter. 

I gave him my broken camera because he wanted to take pictures and he pretended to take pictures of Mommy. Every time he would put the camera up to his face, I would snap a picture so it would flash. It made him think that he was really taking pictures. He got a kick out of it.

Something Cute
I just had to add this to my blog because it was the cutest thing. The other night, I was in the kitchen and Aaron walked in with his diaper bag and his Superman action figure. He opened the diaper bag and emptied it piece by piece. When everything was out, he grabbed the mini bottle of powder and a diaper and laid superman on the floor. He then proceeded to attempt to change Superman's diaper! He laid Superman on the floor with the diaper and then tried to shake powder onto him. Thankfully it wasn't open! I told him to go show Daddy how to change Superman's diaper and he took the action figure into the living room, laid it on the table (he laid it face down and then fixed it so it was face up and the feet were toward him) and then shook the powder bottle over Superman. I tried to get a good picture, but everytime I would snap a picture, he would put the bottle down before it took, so here's what I got. It was just the cutest thing ever!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Swimming Fun
On Thursday, Amanda and Rilian came over and hung out all day. We took the little boys into the pool in the backyard. We let the pool sit in the sun for several hours first so that the water was warm like a bath and they actually got in. Usually Aaron won't sit because it's so cold. We got some pictures of the two boys together but they are still on Amanda's camera. I took a few of Aaron after she left on her old camera that I am borrowing. Here they are.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Oh BOY, oh BOY... or GIRL...
Well... I am finally getting the ultrasound pictures up. It took a few days for me to get to Walmart to get them scanned in and on disk, but here they are.

The ultrasound went well. The baby is healthy. The baby is also, however, very uncooperative! The tech could not tell us whether we are having a boy or a girl because the baby kept covering it's private parts. The umbilical cord also kept getting in the way. We go back again on July 30th to get another ultrasound because the baby was so uncooperative that the tech could not get measurements that she needed. We lucked out! Hopefully next time, we will get to find out whether we are having a boy or girl. Here's hoping...
On Saturday the 5th, Atlanta had their fireworks. We took Aaron even though we knew he would be very tired. The fireworks didn't start until after 9:00 which is past his bedtime. We asked Aaron if he wanted to go, and he got his shoes on, got his stroller, and kept telling us "fireworks" "park", so we went to the ballpark around 8:30. Before the fireworks started, Aaron played with the rocks in front of our chairs. Whenever people would walk by, he stuck his arms up and tried to get a hug. One lady actually gave him one. He was very happy about that, but then he thought that everyone else should too.

During the second half of the fireworks, he fell asleep. Apparently the earplugs really worked because I don't know how anyone could sleep through those bangs as loud as they were!
When his Aunt Jeanne got there with her crutches, he didn't care much about the rocks anymore.
As soon as the fireworks started, he got very intrigued. After the first two or three bangs, he buried his head on hid daddy and didn't want anything to do with them. I put his ear plugs in and then he was okay to watch the fireworks. He still laid his head on Daddy to watch them though.

Have your cake and eat Mommy's too...
Aaron is always interested in the cakes I make mainly because he wants to eat them, but he enjoys watching too. Occasionally when I am finished, I will give him some cake or pieces of fondant which are his favorite. The other day, I had just gotten done making a castle cake and Aaron really wanted the fondant flowers, so I let him eat as many as he wanted because I didn't need any more. He was excited. I got some cute pictures. 

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