Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh BOY, oh BOY... or GIRL...

Well... I am finally getting the ultrasound pictures up. It took a few days for me to get to Walmart to get them scanned in and on disk, but here they are.

The ultrasound went well. The baby is healthy. The baby is also, however, very uncooperative! The tech could not tell us whether we are having a boy or a girl because the baby kept covering it's private parts. The umbilical cord also kept getting in the way. We go back again on July 30th to get another ultrasound because the baby was so uncooperative that the tech could not get measurements that she needed. We lucked out! Hopefully next time, we will get to find out whether we are having a boy or girl. Here's hoping...

1 comment:

DisneyWorldFan said...

so much fun!!! Everyone has pics on the blogs of babies!! I like your title to the post! (very cute!) I can't wait either to findout what you are having!